1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'Wcal_All_Component' ) ) {
class Wcal_All_Component {
public function __construct() {
$is_admin = is_admin();
if ( true === $is_admin ) {
require_once( "component/WooCommerce-Check/ts-woo-active.php" );
require_once( "component/tracking data/ts-tracking.php" );
require_once( "component/deactivate-survey-popup/class-ts-deactivation.php" );
require_once( "component/welcome-page/ts-welcome.php" );
require_once( "component/faq_support/ts-faq-support.php" );
require_once( "component/pro-notices-in-lite/ts-pro-notices.php" );
$wcal_plugin_name = 'Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce';
$wcal_locale = 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart';
$wcal_file_name = 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart/woocommerce-ac.php';
$wcal_plugin_prefix = 'wcal';
$wcal_lite_plugin_prefix = 'wcal';
$wcal_plugin_folder_name = 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart/';
$wcal_plugin_dir_name = dirname ( untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_path ( __FILE__ ) ) ) . '/woocommerce-ac.php' ;
$wcal_plugin_url = dirname ( untrailingslashit( plugins_url( '/', __FILE__ ) ) );
$wcal_get_previous_version = get_option( 'wcal_previous_version' );
$wcal_blog_post_link = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/abandoned-cart-lite-usage-tracking/';
$wcal_plugins_page = 'admin.php?page=woocommerce_ac_page';
$wcal_plugin_slug = 'woocommerce_ac_page';
$wcal_pro_file_name = 'woocommerce-abandon-cart-pro/woocommerce-ac.php';
$wcal_settings_page = 'admin.php?page=woocommerce_ac_page&action=emailsettings';
$wcal_setting_add_on = 'woocommerce_ac_page';
$wcal_setting_section = 'ac_lite_general_settings_section';
$wcal_register_setting = 'woocommerce_ac_settings';
new TS_Woo_Active ( $wcal_plugin_name, $wcal_file_name, $wcal_locale );
new TS_tracking ( $wcal_plugin_prefix, $wcal_plugin_name, $wcal_blog_post_link, $wcal_locale, $wcal_plugin_url, $wcal_settings_page, $wcal_setting_add_on, $wcal_setting_section, $wcal_register_setting );
new TS_Tracker ( $wcal_plugin_prefix, $wcal_plugin_name );
$wcal_deativate = new TS_deactivate;
$wcal_deativate->init ( $wcal_file_name, $wcal_plugin_name );
new TS_Welcome ( $wcal_plugin_name, $wcal_plugin_prefix, $wcal_locale, $wcal_plugin_folder_name, $wcal_plugin_dir_name, $wcal_get_previous_version );
$ts_pro_faq = self::wcal_get_faq ();
new TS_Faq_Support( $wcal_plugin_name, $wcal_plugin_prefix, $wcal_plugins_page, $wcal_locale, $wcal_plugin_folder_name, $wcal_plugin_slug, $ts_pro_faq );
$ts_pro_notices = self::wcal_get_notice_text ();
new ts_pro_notices( $wcal_plugin_name, $wcal_lite_plugin_prefix, $wcal_plugin_prefix, $ts_pro_notices, $wcal_file_name, $wcal_pro_file_name );
public static function wcal_get_notice_text () {
$ts_pro_notices = array();
$wcal_ac_pro_link = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/store/premium-plugins/woocommerce-abandoned-cart-pro/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=20&utm_source=wpnotice&utm_medium=first&utm_campaign=AbandonedCartLitePlugin';
$message_first = wp_kses_post ( __( 'Thank you for using Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce! You can use the Pro version for recovering more sales with some additional features. <strong><a target="_blank" href= "'.$wcal_ac_pro_link.'">Get it now!</a></strong>', 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart' ) );
$wcal_ac_pro_link = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/store/premium-plugins/woocommerce-abandoned-cart-pro/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=20&utm_source=wpnotice&utm_medium=second&utm_campaign=AbandonedCartLitePlugin';
$message_two = wp_kses_post ( __( 'Get an extra benefit of analysis of your Abandoned Cart data with some statistical view present on Dashboard. <strong><a target="_blank" href= "'.$wcal_ac_pro_link.'">Grab it now!</a></strong>', 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart' ) );
$wcal_ac_pro_link = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/store/premium-plugins/woocommerce-abandoned-cart-pro/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=20&utm_source=wpnotice&utm_medium=third&utm_campaign=AbandonedCartLitePlugin';
$message_three = wp_kses_post ( __( 'Abandoned Cart Pro plugin allows you to recover more revenue by offering discount coupons in the abandoned cart email notifications. <strong><a target="_blank" href= "'.$wcal_ac_pro_link.'">Grab it now!</a></strong>.', 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart' ) );
$wcal_ac_pro_link = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/store/premium-plugins/woocommerce-abandoned-cart-pro/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=20&utm_source=wpnotice&utm_medium=fourth&utm_campaign=AbandonedCartLitePlugin';
$message_four = wp_kses_post ( __( 'Capture guest customer emails while adding a product to cart with our Add to cart modal pop-up feature present in Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce. <strong><a target="_blank" href= "'.$wcal_ac_pro_link.'">Purchase now</a></strong>.', 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart' ) );
$wcal_ac_pro_link = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/store/premium-plugins/woocommerce-abandoned-cart-pro/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=20&utm_source=wpnotice&utm_medium=fifth&utm_campaign=AbandonedCartLitePlugin';
$wcal_pro_diff = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/differences-between-pro-and-lite-versions-of-abandoned-cart-for-woocommerce-plugin/';
$message_five = wp_kses_post ( __( 'Using Abandoned Cart Pro plugin, you can add more merge tags, one-click Cart & Checkout page button, send customised abandoned cart reminder email to specific customers & <strong><a target="_blank" href= "'.$wcal_pro_diff.'">much more</a></strong>. <br>Grab 20% discount on the purchase using ACPRO20 discount code and save $24. Coupon is limited to first 20 customers only. <strong><a target="_blank" href= "'.$wcal_ac_pro_link.'">Purchase now</a></strong>.', 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart' ) );
$_link = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/store/premium-plugins/order-delivery-date-for-woocommerce-pro-21/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=16&utm_source=wpnotice&utm_medium=sixth&utm_campaign=AbandonedCartLitePlugin';
$message_six = wp_kses_post ( __( 'Reduce cart abandonment rate by 57% with our Order Delivery Date Pro WooCommerce plugin. You can Create Delivery Settings by Shipping Zones & Shipping Classes. <br>Use discount code "ORDPRO20" and grab 20% discount on the purchase of the plugin. The discount code is valid only for the first 20 customers. <strong><a target="_blank" href= "'.$_link.'">Purchase now</a></strong>', 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart' ) );
$_link = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/store/premium-plugins/order-delivery-date-for-woocommerce-pro-21/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=16&utm_source=wpnotice&utm_medium=seventh&utm_campaign=AbandonedCartLitePlugin';
$message_seven = wp_kses_post ( __( 'Allow your customers to select the Delivery Date on Single Product Page using our Product Delivery Date pro for WooCommerce Plugin. <br>
<strong><a target="_blank" href= "'.$_link.'">Shop now</a></strong> & be one of the 20 customers to get 20% discount on the plugin price. Use the code "PRDPRO20". Hurry!!', 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart' ) );
$_link = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/store/premium-plugins/woocommerce-booking-plugin/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=22&utm_source=wpnotice&utm_medium=eight&utm_campaign=AbandonedCartLitePlugin';
$message_eight = wp_kses_post ( __( ' Allow your customers to book an appointment or rent an apartment with our Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce plugin. You can also sell your product as a resource or integrate with a few Vendor plugins. <br>Shop now & Save 20% on the plugin with the code "BKAP20". Only for first 20 customers. <strong><a target="_blank" href= "'.$_link.'">Have it now!</a></strong>', 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart' ) );
$_link = 'https://www.tychesoftwares.com/store/premium-plugins/deposits-for-woocommerce/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=286371&utm_source=wpnotice&utm_medium=eight&utm_campaign=AbandonedCartLitePlugin';
$message_nine = wp_kses_post ( __( ' Allow your customers to pay deposits on products using our Deposits for WooCommerce plguin. <br>
<strong><a target="_blank" href= "'.$_link.'">Purchase now</a></strong> & Grab 20% discount with the code "DFWP20". The discount code is valid only for the first 20 customers.', 'woocommerce-abandoned-cart' ) );
$ts_pro_notices = array (
1 => $message_first,
2 => $message_two,
3 => $message_three,
4 => $message_four,
5 => $message_five,
6 => $message_six,
7 => $message_seven,
8 => $message_eight,
9 => $message_nine,
) ;
return $ts_pro_notices;
public static function wcal_get_faq () {
$ts_faq = array ();
$ts_faq = array(
1 => array (
'question' => 'Why abandoned cart reminder emails are not being sent?',
'answer' => 'Please ensure you have at least one Email template "Active". As only active email templates are sent to recover the abandoned carts.
For sending the abandoned cart notification emails automatically, we use WP-Cron. If you have Email templates activated and still notification are not sent, then you can debug the issue by following this <a href = "https://www.tychesoftwares.com/docs/docs/abandoned-cart-pro-for-woocommerce/wp_alternate_cron/?utm_source=userwebsite&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=AbandonedCartProFAQTab" target="_blank" >post</a>.'
2 => array (
'question' => 'How is the email address of the customers captured?',
'answer' => 'Our plugin captures visitor emails in real-time as they are typing it in to the email address field on the checkout page, so you don\'t need to worry about them changing their mind at the last second.
When logged-in user add the product to the cart we capture the email address from the user’s profile.'
3 => array (
'question' => 'I want to know if it is possible to exclude tax from product price for abandoned order.',
'answer' => 'Currently it is not possible to exclude tax from the product price from the abandoned order view if tax is applicable for the product.'
4 => array (
'question' => 'Is it possible to delete thousands of or all abandoned cart records at a once?',
'answer' => 'No, it is not possible to delete thousands of abandoned cart records in bulk. Our plugin does have the Bulk action functionality. But you can delete upto 30 Abandoned Carts in bulk. You can run a SQL query in the Database to delete those carts. For detailed steps please contact us via Support.'
5 => array (
'question' => 'Is there any way to not capture the visitors carts?',
'answer' => 'You can uncheck the “Start tracking from Cart Page” setting under the General Settings menu of the Settings tab.'
6 => array (
'question' => 'How can I know that abandoned cart reminders are being sent to customers?',
'answer' => 'It is not possible in the Abandoned Cart LITE plugin to check the records of the Abandoned Cart Reminder email whether email notifications are being sent or not. However you can upgrade to PRO version of our plugin to enable this feature.'
7 => array (
'question' => 'Is there an alternate way to send the abandon cart emails automatically at regular intervals? As the WP-Cron is not running on my site.',
'answer' => 'Yes, you can setup a manual cron in your server’s administration panel.
For example, if you are using cPanel, it has a section Named as "Cron Jobs" which allows you to create the cron job.
/usr/bin/wget -q -c {your_site_path}/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-abandoned-cart/cron/wcal_send_email.php
You can refer to this document for creating a <a href="https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/68Docs/Cron+Jobs">cron job</a> in cPanel.'
8 => array (
'question' => 'Does the plugin consider the cart as abandoned for Pending and Failed order status?',
'answer' => 'Yes, our plugin considers such carts (Pending Payment and Failed orders) as abandoned. It will send the abandoned cart reminder email to the customers if they fail to proceed with the payment after Cart abandoned cut off time reached.'
9 => array (
'question' => 'How can we translate the strings of {{products.cart}} merge tag in the email?',
'answer' => 'To translate the strings, you need to generate ".po" and ".mo" files in your respective language. These files then need to be added to the following path: "woocommerce-abandoned-cart/i18n/languages"'
10 => array (
'question' => 'There was a problem creating an email template on Multisite.',
'answer' => 'On Multisite, if you have activated the plugin from Network site then please deactivate it and activate the Abandoned Cart Lite plugin from an Individual site. So, one default email template will be created on the activation of the plugin and you can create new email template.'
return $ts_faq;
$Wcal_All_Component = new Wcal_All_Component();