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How to Add External Links for Each Variations and Open it in New Tab for WooCommerce Variable Products?

Have you ever wanted to turn your WooCommerce variable products into affiliate items with specific external links for each variation? While you can easily designate a product as an external or affiliate type by selecting “External/Affiliate” product type. But this method only allows for a single URL.

In this post, we address the limitation for variable products that require different URLs for each variation. The code creates a distinct URL field and custom button text field for each product variation in the edit product section, enabling store owners to set unique external links that open in a new tab after the customer chooses the variation and clicks the ‘Add to Cart’ button. By implementing this solution, you can enhance the shopping experience for your customers while maximizing your affiliate potential for variable products as well.

The code will adds the text URL field for each variations in the edit product page at the backend.
If an url is entered for the variation, the value gets saved. On the product page when customers select a variation and click on ‘Add to cart’, the external link will be opened in new tab.

// Add External URL Field and Custom Button Text Field to Product Variations
add_action('woocommerce_variation_options', 'ts_add_fields_to_variations', 10, 3);
function ts_add_fields_to_variations($loop, $variation_data, $variation) {
    // External URL Field
        'id' => "external_url_{$variation->ID}",
        'name' => "external_url_{$variation->ID}",
        'label' => __('External URL', 'woocommerce'),
        'placeholder' => '',
        'value' => get_post_meta($variation->ID, '_external_url', true),

    // Custom Button Text Field
        'id' => "button_text_{$variation->ID}",
        'name' => "button_text_{$variation->ID}",
        'label' => __('Custom Add to Cart Button Text', 'woocommerce'),
        'placeholder' => 'Buy at',
        'value' => get_post_meta($variation->ID, '_button_text', true),

// Save External URL and Custom Button Text Field Value
add_action('woocommerce_save_product_variation', 'ts_save_variation_fields', 10, 2);
function ts_save_variation_fields($variation_id, $i) {
    $external_url = isset($_POST["external_url_{$variation_id}"]) ? $_POST["external_url_{$variation_id}"] : '';
    $button_text = isset($_POST["button_text_{$variation_id}"]) ? $_POST["button_text_{$variation_id}"] : '';
    update_post_meta($variation_id, '_external_url', esc_url($external_url));
    update_post_meta($variation_id, '_button_text', sanitize_text_field($button_text));

// Pass External URL and Button Text to the Frontend
add_filter('woocommerce_available_variation', 'ts_add_fields_to_variation');
function ts_add_fields_to_variation($variation_data) {
    $external_url = get_post_meta($variation_data['variation_id'], '_external_url', true);
    $button_text = get_post_meta($variation_data['variation_id'], '_button_text', true);

    if ($external_url) {
        $variation_data['external_url'] = $external_url; // Add the external URL to the variation data
    if ($button_text) {
        $variation_data['button_text'] = $button_text; // Add the button text to the variation data
    return $variation_data;

// JavaScript to handle "Add to Cart" click for external URL and custom button text
add_action('wp_footer', 'ts_add_custom_js');
function ts_add_custom_js() {
    if (is_product()) {
        <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
            var form = $('form.variations_form');
            var button = $('button.single_add_to_cart_button');

            // Function to update button text
            function updateButton(variation) {
                if (variation && variation.button_text) {
                } else {
                    button.text('Add to Cart'); // Default text

            // When a variation is found
            form.on('found_variation', function(event, variation) {

            // When variations are reset
            form.on('reset_data', function() {
                button.text('Add to Cart'); // Reset to default

            // On page load, check if a variation is selected
            var current_variation = form.find('input[name="variation_id"]').val();
            if (current_variation) {
                var variationData ='product_variations');
                if (variationData) {
                    var variation = variationData.find(function(v) {
                        return v.variation_id == current_variation;

            // When the Add to Cart button is clicked
            form.on('submit', function(event) {
                var variation_id = form.find('input[name="variation_id"]').val();
                var variation ='product_variations') ?'product_variations').find(function(v) {
                    return v.variation_id == variation_id;
                }) : null;

                // Check if the external URL exists
                if (variation && variation.external_url) {
                    event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission

                    // Open the external URL in a new tab
          , '_blank');
                // Else, submit the form normally


The code will add a new text fields on the admin edit product page which allows store owners to set an external url and custom button text for product variations as shown in the image below. As shown below, you can add any affiliate link URL and customize the button text accordingly.

How to Add External Links for Each Variations and Open it in New Tab for WooCommerce Variable Products? - Tyche Softwares

Display Custom Button Text Value on the Product Page

When the customer selects the blue variation on the frontend, the custom button text entered in the button text field will be displayed.

How to Add External Links for Each Variations and Open it in New Tab for WooCommerce Variable Products? - Tyche Softwares

When customers clicks on the ‘Add to cart’ button associated with the variable product, they will be redirected to the specified external link in a new tab instead of being directed to the cart page of your site.

How to Add External Links for Each Variations and Open it in New Tab for WooCommerce Variable Products? - Tyche Softwares

In the original code, the external URL is set to open in a new tab by default using the method. However, if you’d like to change this behavior and make the external URL open in the same tab instead of a new one, you can modify the JavaScript code. Locate this specific line of code from the javascript code:

 // Open the external URL in a new tab
          , '_blank');

Change the above line of code to this one:

// Open the external URL in same tab
window.location.href= variation.external_url;

This updated line of code will redirect the current tab to the external URL, effectively opening the external links of variations in the same window.

The above code snippet adds custom fields for external URLs and custom button texts directly in the WooCommerce product variation settings. But imagine a store owner having 300+ variations, and in that case, it is a daunting task to edit the custom fields of each variation. So to optimize this workflow, let’s explore how to make it compatible with bulk editing plugins such as BEAR – WooCommerce Bulk Editor and Products Manager Professional.

Follow the steps below to add and save custom meta key values (_external_url and _button_text) using the plugin:

  • When using this plugin, it is crucial that the custom meta key values (_external_url and _button_text) are added and saved in the Meta Fields tab as shown below.

  • How to Add External Links for Each Variations and Open it in New Tab for WooCommerce Variable Products? - Tyche Softwares
  •  Make sure these fields are enabled in the Settings tab.
How to Add External Links for Each Variations and Open it in New Tab for WooCommerce Variable Products? - Tyche Softwares
  • Return to the product editor and you should now see additional columns for the custom meta fields you enabled.
  • Use the bulk selection option to choose multiple products at once.
  • Enable variations and bind editing options as needed.
  • In the newly visible columns for _external_url and _button_text, directly enter or modify the values for any one selected product variation and press enter.
  • The plugin will add the values in bulk and save the updated values for all the selected products, ensuring that the custom meta key values are correctly stored in the WooCommerce database.
  • Check the modified custom field values on the frontend of the variable product page to ensure they display correctly.

How to Add External Links for Each Variations and Open it in New Tab for WooCommerce Variable Products? - Tyche Softwares

We hope you’ve successfully added unique external links for each variation of your products, as this paves the way to increase your affiliate potential. Additionally, consider applying this strategy to make WooCommerce external products, images, and titles open in a new tab . By doing so, you create a smoother browsing experience for your customers, which can lead to increased satisfaction and retention. Plus, minimizing bounce rates can positively impact your site’s SEO, helping you attract more visitors over time.

Browse more in: Code Snippets, WooCommerce How Tos, WooCommerce Tutorials

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15 days ago

Where do I have to upload the code? Thank you

2 months ago

Hi Great bit of code.

I was a bit confused that on my site it actually added the items to the cart on my site as well as redirected me to the link, is that supposed to happen or have I misunderstood something?

3 months ago

Thank you so much for this. Much needed and appreciated. Is it possible to add a field for an optional button text for each variation? i.e. buy “buy at” 

Also compatibility with WPC Variation Bulk Editor for WooCommerce? This would allow setting many many links at once and save a ton of time.

3 months ago
Reply to  Saranya

Thank you, Saranya! You are amazing!!

I will reach out to WPC Variation Bulk Editor. Do you know of any other bulk editing plugin that might be compatible with the external URL field for the variations? Some of my products have 300 variations.

3 months ago
Reply to  Paul

Found a plugin that will allow me to bulk edit the variations’ external URL and button text fields using the _external_url and _button_text from your snippet 🙂

Plugin: Admin Columns –


2 months ago
Reply to  Saranya

Unfortunately trying bulk edit too many variations at once using the Admin Columns plugin results in the custom fields being populated with URL and button text in the product backend and the button text showing on the front end but the products still end up in the cart when clicking 🙁

Now the fields are populated but it doesn’t work. Scratching my head. Definitely a database issue.

2 months ago
Reply to  Saranya

Hi Saranya,

Thank you again. You are amazing!

I am worried the problem is more with my database or theme. When there are too many variations in a product the external link is not triggered and the variation is added to the cart regardless of how I added the link to the custom field (bulk editor or normal entry). I am not sure what the threshold is for the # of variations is for when it stops working.

Sample URL where it doesn’t work:

2 months ago
Reply to  Saranya

Hi Saranya, Thank you again for your amazing help! I was having problems with products that had many variations and the external URL would not work. The product was still added to the cart. I don’t think this was related to bulk editor as the URL was present regardless of how it was added (bulk or individually). Chat GPT modified the code somewhat and now it seems to work consistently!! Your code may need to be modified somewhat to address products with many variations. Maybe a site’s server or hosting specs has something to do with it? Anyway here is… Read more »

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