Product Prices by User Roles for WooCommerce
The right pricing strategy for your product helps you attract customers, convey value, boost sales, and, most importantly, increase revenue. Personalized pricing plays an inevitable role in online store pricing strategy as it improves the conversion rate and customer loyalty & trust. Product Prices by User Roles for WooCommerce plugin allows you to set up special pricing for the products based on the user role.
Currency Per Product for WooCommerce
Showing the product prices in your customer’s currency improves the chances of completing the sales. Manually updating the prices based on the exchange rates is also a tedious task. Currency Per Product for WooCommerce plugin is designed to switch the product price currencies to your customer’s local currency value.
Call for Price for WooCommerce
When you’re running a competitive online business where prices for your custom products & services depend on the customer’s exact requirements, it’s best to let the customers directly get in touch with you. You’ll avoid sharing the price range of your product AND find a way to convert your actual leads into sales! Call for Price for WooCommerce plugin lets customers call you for further information and price inquiries about your products.
Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce
A great order numbering system can save you hours of work spent on sorting them according to your requirements. Unfortunately, WooCommerce assigns order numbers in a non-sequential manner by default. Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce plugin lets you reset the order numbers, change number sequence, add unique prefixes/suffixes, etc., and manage orders in a way that is convenient for you.
Custom Order Status for WooCommerce
One way to keep your customers engaged from purchase to delivery is by sharing the order status like — the order is placed, confirmed, dispatched, delivered, etc. The default WooCommerce order status may not be enough for you to keep consumers in the loop about the order status and improve customer satisfaction. The Custom Order Status plugin lets you create custom order statuses and notify the corresponding user & admins.
Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce
Being a service provider, you value time and want to use it effectively. On a typical working day, a simple calendar can’t show your availability, update bookings in real time, and show variable pricing. What if there was a smart online booking plugin to meet your business needs? Now there is! Booking & Appointment plugin is designed to help you meet your service business goals.